William G. Murray Award Winners

 2023 James Chism
 2022 Brooke Beinhart
 2021 Kate Collins
 2020 Holly Cook
 2019 Celeste Swanson
 2018 Craig Welter
 2017 Joni Erwin
 2016 Paula Kovarik
 2015 Blake Bayliss
 2014 Jordan Vittetoe
2013 Andrew Chamra
2012 Kaci Demott
2011 Whitney White
2010 Laura Larson
2009 Matt Dirksen
2008 Devin Mogler
2007 Kyle Mowrer
2006 Rachel Smith
2005 Melissa Davis
2004 Josh Orr
2003 Lisa Elfers
2002 Erin Cumings
2001 Matthew Kauffman
2000 Eric Heggen
1999 Cory Cannon
1998 Carissa Wall
1997 Heidi Conner
1996 Sonja Brinning
1995 Curt Diemer
1994 Anthony Klemm
1993 Teresa Luelf
1992 John Chism
1991 Brent Kuehnast
1990 Stuart Swanson
1989 Lynnette Frahm
1988 Larry Witzel
Brad Oelmann
Curt Brown
Harry Nagel
Jocelyn Toyne
Toney Putz
Larry Anderson
Judy Lund
Scott Irwin
Chuck Weiland
Denise Moffitt
Fred Green
1976 Craig Heineman
Ed Keifer
1974 Roger Dahlgram

William G. Murray (1903-1991)

William G. Murray (1903-1991) was an agricultural economist, founder of Living History Farms, and an Iowa gubernatorial candidate. Murray received a BA from Coe College in 1924, and MA from Harvard University in 1925, and a PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1932. He came to Iowa State University in 1927, with teaching and research interests in farm land valuation and finance. Murray served as head of the Department of Economics and Sociology at ISU from 1943 to 1955. In 1935-1936, he was chief economist with the Farm Credit Administration, and in 1948 he served as president of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association. He played a prominent role in the creation and early history of Living History Farms in Urbandale, Iowa, and in 1967, he helped organize the LHF Foundation. He served as research director of LHF from 1967-1974, and as its president from 1974-1981. Murray was also involved in Iowa politics, and was Iowa's Republican gubernatorial candidate in 1958 and 1966.

For More Information, view the Iowa State Library Archive.